Background Checks

Our firm has assisted many clients in obtaining clear police record checks (including vulnerable sector checks) and obtaining record suspensions (formerly known as pardons) for past convictions. Several of the lawyers at our firm have been at the forefront of efforts which have led to much needed changes in the practice of police departments in providing background checks to bring the disclosures on police record checks in accordance with the outcomes achieved in court. In addition, our lawyers have been involved in consultations with the Ontario government considering its creation of the first legislation in the province regulating police record checks. As a result, our lawyers are well-versed of the changing legal landscape around police record checks.


Jonathan A. Shime

Tel: 416-585-1716
Fax: 416-408-2372

Email: Jonathan A. Shime

Since 1953 Cooper, Sandler, Shime & Schwartzentruber LLP has been specializing in all areas of Criminal Law in the Toronto area. Our Toronto criminal lawyers at Cooper, Sandler, Shime & Schwartzentruber LLP serve the Greater Toronto Area and Ontario, Canada.

Cooper, Sandler, Shime & Schwartzentruber LLP
439 University Ave. Suite 1900
Toronto, Ontario M5G 1Y8